New Sunday Schedule for 2025 - 1st: 8:30 (ASL) - Coffee Connect: 10:00 - 2nd: 10:30 (Kids & MIddle School) Click to watch on YouTube

The Good News

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The Good News

God is Good

The Bible teaches us that our righteous and holy God created all things good. He then remained intimately engaged in relationship with His creation. This was particularly true among His highest creation, humanity, who He made in His image. 

There were many purposes for the creation of humanity, but the highest was to give God glory through a relationship with Him. God gave power and authority over all creation to humanity, but He also gave some parameters to maintain relationship with Him.

Humanity became Bad

Unfortunately, the first people rebelled against their Creator by willfully disobeying His given parameters. This choice had severe and immediate consequences. The consequences were many, but here are the three most impactful:

• First: their rebellion brought separation from the good God who created them for that very relationship —we call this spiritual death.

• Second: similarly, the rebellion brought physical death into what had been perfect creation —meaning death was never part of God’s original plan for those who bear His image and likeness.

• Finally: the rebellious and sinful nature brought in by our ancient ancestors was passed down so all humanity is born falling short of the perfect relationship our Creator desires with us.

It was in the first human’s choice to rebel that broke the relationship with God we all desire. This is why we say humanity is born bad, separated from our righteous and holy God and with a nature to continue in that separation. The evidence is clear in the world around us. 

God is Love

The first people had chosen rebellion leading to separation from God, but in His great love He choose to seek them out by asking the reconciling question of, "Where are you?"

This moment revealed God’s character of seeking to save and reconcile lost humanity back to Himself. He has continued to show His love by offering reconciliation to rebellious humanity ever since that moment. 

Love is Available to All

This world in its current state is not the way God desires it to be. Since God is perfect and holy, our thoughts and deeds do not meet the perfect standard that God requires of those in relationship with Him. When compared to this perfect standard, it's easy to see that all have rebelled, all have sinned, and all have brought shame on themselves. 

But here's the good news: God’s nature of love and His desire for reconciliation with all this brokenness has not changed! This is why He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to reconcile us to Himself. This has been His nature from humanity’s beginning and continues to our modern day. 

If you cry out in your heart to God confessing you have sinned, rebelled and brought shame on yourself by your thoughts and deeds, Jesus said He will take your burden and give you rest for your soul. Notice it is God who desires to give His love unconditionally and without judgement. It is up to you to receive that loving reconciliation to God which He desires for you. That love is available for all because our God lovingly seeks to reconcile with all. 

If you have confessed your sin, rebellion and shame to God, then please know we at Shoreline Calvary desire to help you on your sojourn with Him. We suggest you begin with reading the Book of Mark in a Bible or online. It is very important for you to gather with a community of others who have been reconciled to God, so please find a good church where they can minister to you and your gifts can be put to use.

Got questions?

Finally, contact us at Shoreline if we can help you love God and love others in any way.