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Don't Waste This Time #

The Bible Project - Micah

The Book of Micah contains the prophecies of the prophet, Micah, against the northern kingdom of Israel and, more so of the later judgment of the southern kingdom of Judah, Jerusalem in particular. It speaks of the sins of the Israelites and the consequences of their sins. Despite predicting the fall of Jerusalem, which would happen about 150 years later, Micah ends with a message of hope and encouragement.

The Book of Micah alternates between judgment and redemption. Describe how the former is necessary before the latter.

What parallels do you see between Micah’s description of rebellion in Israel and our current culture?

More importantly, what parallels do you see between the rebellion of Israel and your own life?

How does Micah speak to the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant?

What is today's date? What are some highs and lows? How are you experiencing the presence of God? Who and what are you praying for?

Email these answers and notes to yourself. Write as much or little as you want. Save the emails and you'll have a record of this time.